Chris Jericho Reveals His WrestleMania Match Against Shawn Michaels Was A Change Of Plans

WrestleMania 19 is remembered as the night when Brock Lesnar nearly broke his neck off a sunset flip against Kurt Angle. However, the fans that night in Seattle were still blown away by the performance of Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho. As it turns out, that match wasn’t supposed to happen.

Chris Jericho spoke to Inside The Ropes about his WrestleMania 19 program with Shawn Michaels. Y2J is 47 now and HBK was 37 at the time when Jericho was calling him an old man which he finds humorous years later. As great as their Mania match was, it was not the original plans and was only supposed to be a one-off angle on RAW.

“I was just demeaning Shawn on the Highlight Reel, he Superkicked me in the face and that was just supposed to be the end of it. We walked to the back and I just remember Vince [McMahon] sitting there smiling and just looking at Shawn and Shawn going, ‘It’s money.’ Vince goes, ‘You’re f*cking right it’s money.'”

“That was where that whole angle started. It was supposed to be me and Edge that year originally, but that happened mid-December and after that it was like, ‘I think we’ve got something here with Jericho and Michaels for WrestleMania.”

HBK and Y2J did steal the show at WrestleMania, but we can’t help but wonder if Edge vs Chris Jericho would have done the same.

It certainly gives us a great example of how plans can change when Vince McMahon sees money. Now we will just have to wait and see who McMahon sees money in this time around as we approach another show of shows.

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Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
